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  • Fatih Yılmaz
    Fatih Yılmaz

    'The Running Man' (1987)

    Paul Michael Glaser

  • Fatih Yılmaz
    Fatih Yılmaz


    Deneyimler gösterdi ki, halkın kontrolünü sağlamanın ve sessiz silahın en kolay metodu, bir taraftan halkı disiplinsiz hâle getirmek ve sistemin temel ilkeleri konusunda cahil bırakmak, diğer taraftan da onların zihinlerini karıştırmak, örgütlenmelerini önlemek ve dikkatlerini önemli olmayan konulara çekmektir... Bunu başarmanın yolu:

    1 - Zihinlerini dağıtmak; zihinsel faaliyetlerini sabote etmek; matematik, mantık, sistemin ilkeleri ve ekonomi konusunda onlara düşük kaliteli bir eğitim sunmak ve teknik yaratıcılıklarını köreltmek;

    2 - Duyguları angaje etmek; düşkünlüklerini fiziksel faaliyetlerde ve duygusal konularda yükseltmek;

    a. Merhametsizce duygusal hareket ve saldırılar (zihinsel ve duygusal tecavüz) . Medyada sürekli bir seks, şiddet ve savaş eğilimi sayesinde;

    b. Açlığını çektikleri şeyleri vermek ve gerçek ihtiyaçlarından yoksun bırakmak...

    3. Tarih ve hukuku tekrar yazmak; halkın yaratılan sapıkça şeylerin tesiri altında bırakılarak, düşüncelerini kendi kişisel ihtiyaçlarından uydurma dış önceliklere çevirmek...

    Bunlar, sosyal otomasyon teknolojisi silahlarının farkına varmalarına ve bununla ilgilenmelerine engel olur...


  • Fatih Yılmaz
    Fatih Yılmaz


    Scores of celebrities were/are Freemasons as well such as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Nat ‘King’ Cole, Rudyard Kipling, Harry Houdini, Alexander Pope, Goethe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Scott, Jonathan Swift, Voltaire, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, W.C. Fields, Clark Gable, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Holliday, Humphrey Bogart, Peter Sellers, Red Skelton, Bob Hope, Abbott of Abbott and Costello, John Wayne, Richard Pryor, Roy Rogers, Will Rogers, Don Rickles, the Ringling Brothers (all 7 brothers and their father were masons) . Paul Giamatti, Michael Richards, Sean Connery, George Clooney, Will Smith, Jay-Z and literally hundreds more household names in the music/movie industries have all been Freemasons... Since their member lists are not advertised or readily available for all to see, deciphering the extent of celebrity membership is often a game of watching careers, reading symbols and hand signals...

    Masons with their knowledge of occult symbology/numerology dominate the TV, movie, and music industries... This book will only scrape the surface of this subject, but suffice to say, the majority of household celebrity names have either been Masons themselves or were directed/produced/had lyrics written by Masons...

    Cecil B. DeMille, director of the very first Hollywood film and creative genius behind Paramount Pictures, was a Freemason... Jack Warner of Warner Bros... Studios and Darryl Zanuck, co-founder of 20th Century Productions, and Louis B. Mayer, of MGM movie studios are/were all Masons...

    James Cameron and Walt Disney (Touchstone) are/were 33rd degree... Many big directors like Jerry Bruckheimer, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Tim Burton repeatedly show Masonic imagery in their films... Paramount, Tri-Star, Columbia, Orion, Icon, Lion’s Gate, DreamWorks, and 20th Century Fox all have Masonic/occult symbolism in their logos...

    “Between a rock and a hard place” is one of many Masonic phrases said in “The Rock” with 33rd degree Mason Sean Connery who played a character named Mason... Nicholas Cage played alongside Connery in The Rock and later Cage starred in National Treasure, another movie also about Masonry... His father in the movie was Jon Voigt... In real life, Jon Voigt is the father of Angelina Jolie who in real life is a member of the CFR and the UN – two Masonic/Illuminati creations... In the movie Tomb Raider 2, however, Jolie plays a role in which she defeats the Illuminati featuring a scene at the capstone of a pyramid...

    This is why these movies are 'Blockbusters.' What's a Blockbuster? A Stone Mason... What do the Mason's do? They make the 'Hits.' Hit is what a hammer does to a rock, but it's also what their sponsored celebrities create for our entrainment pleasure - Hits, Hot Hits, Top Hits... When they kill people like JFK, it's called a 'hit.' They just made the movie 'Hitman.'

    Almost every movie or TV show you have ever seen about aliens or the Moon came from a Freemasonic director... All of these were made by Masons: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET, Taken, Alien 1-4, Independence Day, 2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men In Black, From the Earth to the Moon, Apollo 13, War of the Worlds, and the X-Files...

    Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason... This why we have “Scotty,” Spock’s Kabalistic/Masonic “V” hand gesture, pyramid-shaped communicators, and other Masonic symbols... The name Captain “Kirk” comes from “Circe” and means “church” in Scottish... So the church (Captain Kirk) is the head of the starship Enterprise... What enterprise? Whose enterprise do you think? Take note that the Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world... All findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities... What does this tell us? Meanwhile, the Masonic movie/music industries give us Stars, Superstars, Devas, Celebrities, Models, and Idols to worship...

    George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars also floods his movies with Masonic symbology... Yoda is the name of a Masonic teacher... The Djed-eye (Jedi) comes from the ancient Egyptian as noted earlier... The idea of Jedi Knights and a round table comes from the Knights Templar... Skywalker is the name of the 13th Tzolkien in the Mayan calendar, the symbol of which looks just like the top of Luke’s flight helmet... Anakin comes from Anakim or the Sons of Anak in the Bible and Darth Vader no doubt comes from the “Da’ath” black sephiroth of the Jewish Kabbalah... These occult interpretations of Hollywood movies and TV programs are well understood by initiates, but purposely meant to bewilder the public...


  • Tuğba Nur Çoban
    Tuğba Nur Çoban

    Bana kendisini 'Dudaktan Kalbe' dizisiyle sevdiren kanal...Show Tv'nin güzel yayınları oluyor.Özellikle dizilerini ve verdiği filmleri beğenerek izliyorum.

  • Erdem Ülkün
    Erdem Ülkün

    Rojin'den,Kürtçe Tüyleri diken diken eden bir ağıt. Her şey çok daha güzel olacak.

  • Ali Meral
    Ali Meral


  • Sezgin Yeşiltaş
    Sezgin Yeşiltaş

    Reha Muhtar'ın Atina'dan haber vermek yerine buraya gelip halk bunu istiyor diye 'ense tokat pop finger', asarım keserim tarzı yayının öncülüğünü yaptığı bir kanal.

    Oysa halk aynı zamanda Reha Muhtar'a da ense tokat pop finger vesair başk ağza alınmayacak fantazileri de vardı. Bunlara da izin veriyor muydu? Merak ettim şimdi..

  • F

    Hızlandırılmış tren kaza yaptığında, aradan 1 saat geçmesine rağmen HABER vermeyen, Van Damme filmi yayınlayan kanal!